Recent work in this area
D Gimenez, G Zhou, MFD Hurley, JA Aguilar, VA Voelz,* SL Cobb* “Fluorinated Aromatic Monomers as Building Blocks To Control α-Peptoid Conformation and Structure” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141 (8), 3430-3434
D. Gimenez., J.A. Aguilar., E.H.C. Bromley., S.L. Cobb* “Stabilising Peptoid Helices Using Non-Chiral Fluoroalkyl Monomers” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 10549 –10553
Want to make peptoids? Check out our group's practical demo here.

Recent work in this area
HL. Bolt, G.A. Eggimann, C.A.B. Jahoda, R. N. Zuckermann, G. J. Sharples*, S.L. Cobb* “Exploring the links between peptoid antibacterial activity and toxicity” MedChemComm. 2017, 8(5), 886-896
Bolt HL, Eggimann GA, Denny PW,* and Cobb SL.,* "Enlarging the chemical space of anti-leishmanials: a structure-activity relationship study of peptoids against Leishmania mexicana, a causative agent of cutaneous leishmania". MedChemComm., 2016, 7, 799-805
Want to know more about our work on Neglected Tropical Diseases? Check out our GCRF / MRC funded Global NTD network page.
Recent work in this area
WDG Brittain*, SL Cobb* “Tetrafluoropyridyl (TFP): a general phenol protecting group readily cleaved under mild conditions” Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17 (8), 2110-2115
D. Gimenez, C.A. Mooney, A. Dose, G. Sandford, C. R. Coxon and S.L. Cobb* “The application of perfluoroheteroaromatic reagents in the preparation of modified peptide systems” Org. Biomol. Chem., 2017, 15, 4086-4095

Recent work in this area
L. Jiang, R. Lan, T. Huang, C.-F. Chan, H. Li, S. Lear, J. Zong, W.-Y. Wong, M. M.-Lan Lee, B. D. Chan, W.-L. Chan, W.-S. Lo, N.-K. Mak,* M. L. Lung, G. S. Taylor, Z.-X. Bian, W. C. S. Tai, G.-L. Law*, W.-T. Wong, S.L. Cobb,* and K.-L. Wong,* “EBNA1-targeted probe for the imaging and growth inhibition of tumours associated with the Epstein–Barr virus”, Nat. Biomed. Eng., 2017, 0042.